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Natural Resources WorkGroup

Natural Resources WorkGroup

Materials and natural creatures in which human has not intervened their creatures or existence are in two types:

  • Non-renewable natural resources
  • Renewable natural resources


Non-renewable natural resources are the materials created naturally i.e human didn’t intervene in their creature or existence but even if there are so much save both in their extract or exploit, they will finally be finished just like all mines and underground reserves. These natural wealth are divided into three categories:

  1. Solid natural wealth (coal mines, salt, gypsum, lime etc)
  2. Liquid natural wealth (like oil are called reserves instead of mines because their amount is high and have occupied a large volume.
  3. Gaseous natural wealth

Renewable natural resources are the materials and live existences created naturally and human didn’t intervene in their creature or existence and will never be finished or unusable if they are exploited correctly like air, water, soil, forest, grassland, wild life, fish etc

164m hectare of country area are classified in a statistics view as below:

83.2% of it are devoted to renewable natural resources:

  • Forests and forest land with an area up to 12.4m hectare covers 7.% area of Iran.
  • Grassland with an area of 90m hectare covers 55% of country area.
  • Wilderness lands and desert with an area of about 34m hectare cover 20.7% of Iranian area.
  1. Remaining area including lands under cultivation (dry farming, irrigated farming, garden etc) and lands devoted to residential areas (urban and rural) cover the road, lakes, marsh and ponds which exceeds 16.8% with the area of 27.6m hectare.

International disputes, population problems and problems all tied together, civilized countries possessing advanced technologies have brought about a suitable balance between natural resources and country population. In other words, they exploit their resources with a correct and scientific resource. Locations of the world with the probability of war and war-mongering are locations in where natural resources face shortages or don’t have technology to exploit the existing resources. We can direct the way towards excellence in atazis a.s.a.p with consultation and selecting different alternatives in taking good results for this balance in our country doing and participating in people-oriented participative projects. Supplying healthy water, air and soil, hygienic food and suitable accommodations each require short-term mid-term and long-term programs. The program in which is paid enough attention to the role of governments, people and people-oriented organizations and each one is granted a substantial share suitable with their weight are formed in order to response and move towards biologic balance and sustainable development, environment professional workgroup and natural resources. This workgroup has the below-mentioned questions as well as other cases facing while research and execution as its benchmark in his start:

  • Total titles discussed in the workgroup include:
  • Determination of research priorities required by the country in the field of natural resources and
  • Studying the proposed research proposals.
  • Discuss of discussions related to technical challenges of natural resources part and ابخیزداری countrywide and submitting necessary suggestions and solutions.
  • Studying research and implementation problems and dilemmas of the province in other fields and suggesting the necessary ploys in order to solve them.
  • Submission of solutions in the field of productivity increase from existing resources in implementation section and research regarding mutual cooperation.
  • Period field reviews from plans underway in research and implementation section in order to submit technical viewpoints and solutions in annual evaluation.
  • etc

As for the things we can put into force with programming and consultation in this workgroup:

  • Protective affairs for the important and value regions as contractor in a private company theme
  • Development of promotion programs in order to win people participation specially rural women and forest residents.
  • preparing the report of evaluation of underway project in the theme of supervisory forms of budgeting and programming organization and evaluation forms of subordinated organization.
  • Doing or supervising the operation of studying plans
  • Preparing exploitation plans from natural and national resources according to rules and instructions communicated
  • Preparing the grassland management according to instructions communicated
  • Studying, identifying and recognizing regional capacities and preparing afforestation, survival and tree plant plans
  • Keeping Promenades and forest and natural parks and underway
  • Production and collection of seeds and regions determination and forest reserves and protective affairs and keeping above-mentioned regions.
  • Suggesting research and cooperation needs in executing research projects
  • Collection and preparation of all statistics and information of performances and statistics gathering and preparing reports and statistics analysis
  • Cooperation in national plan of green movement
  • Doing afforestation projects of green space development in all locations and urban freeway and roads margin as well as wood agriculture development
  • Preparing jungle resources management plans and keeping the jungles
  • Destruction control through educating the councils and exploiters, preparing fossil fuel plan for prevention and extinction of fire and pests control
  • Implementation of promotional educational programs among rural (forest residents, grassland holders) and nomads
  • etc

So keep up with new and applicable ideas and green thoughts

Be green